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you have to get to gull island to get the badge and to get to gull island you have tocomplete Collins rainbow to get his badge then you have to go over the rainbow to get to gull island walk along the beach and you will get a cut-scene where you find the badge.

Where is it on East Gull Island though I looked all over it?

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Q: How do you get Ben's Badge in Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?
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Where is bens badge in harvest moon?

ive been going to tons of websites but all they say is it is on East Gull island but I looked everrywhere there

Can you unlock bens rainbow before Collins in harvest moon tree of trainquility?

No you can not you need to unlock Collins rainbows before you get the badge for bens rainbow. After you completed Collins rainbow youll get a cut scene

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Nope. Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is for the wii.

How do you get the rainbow badge in Harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Who's rainbow badge? Go to my site at for any other questions oor email me at

How do i get Ben's badge in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

you get it when you complete collin's rainbow.his badge is at east gull's island.u walk around the beach and then a cut scence comes up

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Eggplant is in season during fall for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility

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The only cheat I know for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is infinite money.

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I'd say harvest moon tree of tranquility.

Do you have to be in a certain season to find Ben's Badge in Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?

No. Once you complete Collin's Rainbow travel over that and walk along the beach. You will find Ben's Badge there in any season.

When is Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility coming out?

The Current release date for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is July 14, 2008. But this date is subject to change.

In harvest moon tree of tranquility on a holiday can you still ship stuff?

yes, you can ship stuff any day during harvest moon tree of tranquility

Do you have a honeymoon in Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?

Sadly, No.