Anorith is a dual-type Pokémon, of the rock and bug types, it's also a fossil Pokémon. It became available onward the Third Generation. In the Diamond version of the games, the only way to get it is to revive it from a claw fossil, which is an item that can be found as you advance in the game.
If you want an anorith in Pokemon diamond, you have to migrate it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire, or emerald. I used to have Pokemon diamond and Pokemon emerald and I would migrate Pokemon all the time. You have to beat the elite four first, then you will be able to go to pal park. Anorith evolves into Armaldo at level 40.
Anorith Evolves into Armaldo at level 40. This is the same as every single fossil pokemon in every game
go underground with explorer kit and get a claw fossil
You get Anorith from a certain Pokemon fossil.
The Claw fossil is a fossil which contains a Pokemon named Anorith, for you to get Anorith is to take the fossil and give it to a scientist in Devon Corp. (Rustboro City). After some time he will call you and tell you to come for the Pokemon (Anorith).
If you want an anorith in Pokemon diamond, you have to migrate it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire, or emerald. I used to have Pokemon diamond and Pokemon emerald and I would migrate Pokemon all the time. You have to beat the elite four first, then you will be able to go to pal park. Anorith evolves into Armaldo at level 40.
at lvl 40 your anorith will evolve to armaldo :) i hope i help
Anorith Evolves into Armaldo at level 40. This is the same as every single fossil pokemon in every game
go underground with explorer kit and get a claw fossil
fossil Pokemon are:Aerodactyl,cranidos,kabuto,anorith,lilleep forget my spelling
The claw fossil always turns into Anorith.
You get Anorith from a certain Pokemon fossil.
Anorith is a Rock and Bug type pokemon.
Anorith evolves at Level 40
level 40
Anorith evolves at level 40.
mabye but most likely a anorith