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you find it in rivet ravine in the area right of the mine entrace

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Q: How do you get Alio in Fossil Fighters on DS?
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Where do you find alio in fossil fighters?

Rivet Ravine Area 2

Is fossil fighters on dsi or ds lite?

Fossil Fighters will work on either DS system.

How do you get alio in fossil fighters?

rivet ravine right before you go inside the cavern, turn to the right, go across the bridge and that's were alio is. (but you do have to finish the game first though...)

Can you play fossil fighters on the Nintendo ds lite?

Yes you can use your DS lite to play Fossil fighters.

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how to get shoni arms in fossil fighters ds

How do you save the video game fossil fighters DS?

On fossil fighters you cant save your game

Where do you get the Dinocakes on the ds game fossil fighters?

you can ONLY get them once and its at the fossil guilds shop.

What system is Fossil Fighters 2 going to be on?

Fossil Fighters 2 is going to be called Fossil Fighters: Champions It is going to release on the Nintendo DS System and is releasing on November 14th, 2011

In fossil fighters ds where do you find Megalo?

Rivet Ravine

Can you play fossil fighters for DSI?

Yes. You can play fossil fighters on the DS, DSL and the DSi. You can play all* ds games on the DSi. *Unless they have an accsessory that uses the GBA slot

What are some cheats for fossil fighters ds?

there aren't any yet!

Can you be a girl in the new fossil fighters champions ds game?

yes you can