Acro fossils are in Tunnel #1 in Rivet Ravine ((the one that's blocked off for a while, pay-2-dig site)(4,000G))
No but you can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions.
Yes! You can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions via the fossil cannon, located in Ribular town in Fossil Fighters Champions.
maia is found on the secert island in fossil fighters and in hot spring hights in fossil fighters champions
On fossil fighters you cant save your game
Fossil Fighters will work on either DS system.
You get an Acro in Fossil Fighters in Rivet Ravine. You have to go to tunnel # 1 but you have to have beaten the game. I think it cost's $4,000. I almost forgot the Acro head is hard to clean so get the Super Drill.
you find him in the pay to dig site in rivet ravine when you take the mine car on the left of the tunnel
Aro's weakness is probably Fire type attack/large vivasaurs like Giganto.
No but you can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions.
Yes! You can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions via the fossil cannon, located in Ribular town in Fossil Fighters Champions.
it is fossil fighters number 2
Fossil Fighters happened in 2008.
For the original Fossil Fighters game, you can get Elasmoth in Bottomsup Bay. No idea about Fossil Fighters Champions, though...
You can only get fossil fighters champions vivosaurs in fossil fighters champions! Is that simple enough for ya?
maia is found on the secert island in fossil fighters and in hot spring hights in fossil fighters champions
fossil fighters is not a movie learn ok !