you can't that I'm aware of, ya moron and two POKEMON IS SO RETARTED!
your mom
nnnnnnnnoooooooo! of course notThere is a wayTo get 999 master balls each day go to the Pokemon lottery and get a Pokemon with the same nubers in their ID. It will take a long time P.S Dont worry it is possible. I got 16 master balls by doing that
Or, you could try not cheating and play the game?
Of course, a Master Ball catches any Pokemon without fail, Legendary or not.
That is impossible.
Yes. You can trade with someone that has a Pokemon holding a master ball.
you have to save the president of silph co. to get the master ball.
you have to cheat but i am still trying to figure out how.
you can only get 1 master ball from prof. juniper without cheating
Getting master balls without cheating in Pokemon DP is very hard. The only ways are: to win the lottery in Jubilife City, or receive a Pokemon that has a master ball from trading. I have 2 master balls in my game. I traded with a person who had a Pokemon with a master ball.
By the Lottery in Goldenrod City or trading from other games.
One way is to play the lottery at the Lilycove Department Store. You will be more likely to win if you trade Pokemon with a lot of different game cartridges (different ID numbers). You need to have a Pokemon with the exact ID number as the one drawn in the lottery to get a Master Ball. You can play the lottery once per day. Another way, if you have another game cartridge, is to start a new game on it, get up to the point where you get the master ball, make a Pokemon hold the master ball, and trade for the Pokemon with your first game. Repeat for each additional Master Ball you want. A third way, if you have access to a Pokemon Emerald cartridge that has beaten the game and not used the Master Ball, is to clone it. Google "Pokemon emerald cloning glitch". This method requires no cheating devices, but exploits a glitch and is considered cheating by some people. If you are one of them, do not use this method. You can trade the cloned master balls to your Ruby cartridge by making Pokemon hold them.
kaleb's cheating device.
beat the elite 4 then talk 2 the professor that gave u ur starter Pokemon at the start. forgot his name
Not possible without cheating.