I don't think its possible, because the 4th generation isn't advanced enough to use 5th generation Pokemon
HELLOOO, if u didn't notice i wrote "WITH CHEATS"
Deoxys can only be obtained through migrating it from the Generation III Pokemon games or using the Action Replay to encounter it.
There no cheats* that can be activated in the game itself. A GameShark or ActionReplay will allow you to activate cheats. Ex: Max. PP, Max EP, Max. Stats, ect. In some of the first Pokemon games, Red and Crystal for a fact, have a glitch. In Red you can get 100 of anything, and in crystal you can duplicate Pokemon using a masterball. *(That I know of, I have looked on every cheat cite and have found nothing.)
No, not that i know of.
All Pokemon apart from the following are obtainable in Pokemon Yellow. Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Ekans, Arbok, Raichu, Meowth, Persian, Koffing, Weezing, Jynx, Electabuzz & Magmar. If you want these you must trade with fellow players who are using Pokemon Red & Pokemon Blue editions, which are the previous Generation 1 games. Or from a Generation 2 game which has the desired Pokemon available.
Arceus cannot be caught legitimately in ANY pokemon game.
No you can't catch deoxys by using cheats
by hacking
Import them using the dual cartridge function on the DS.
Deoxys can only be obtained through migrating it from the Generation III Pokemon games or using the Action Replay to encounter it.
are you using the right country in ar manager us pokemon+j cheats?
in Pokemon yellow, blue, red, fire red, and leaf green you can find mew-two in cerulean cave after you have beten the game, but for mew at the moment you can not get it without cheats...
By the way yes you can get any Pokemon by using cheats on Pokemon diamond and pearl. Called Pokemon Modifier you can find the code on youtube but you need an action replay buy them from any game shop.