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Q: How do you get 3 starters in Pokemon Crystal?
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What are the three starter Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

The three starters in Pokemon Crystal are Cyndaquil (the fire type) , Totodile (water) and Chikorita (grass ).

How do you get Pokemon Christal starters in Pokemon FireRed or emerald version?

Sorry, but the only way to get all the starters from Pokemon Crystal to Fire Red or to Pokemon Emerald is to get a gameshark and do it from there.

How do you get the Kanto starters in crystal?

use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center

How do you find a charmender in crystal?

the only way to get one of the starters of Kanto on pokemon crystal is when you completely finish your Pokedex, professor oak will give you one o the Kanto starters.

How do you get all starers in Pokemon Crystal?

Use gameshark or look up a glitch to get all starters on youtube

How can you get all 3 Pokemon in Pokemon fire red?

i assume you mean the 3 starters?? by trades

How do you get all 3 starters in Pokemon Yellow?


Where do you get all the gold starters in Pokemon pearl?

You can first collect all of the Pokemon for the hoen dex in Pokemon emerald you will get 1 of the 3 Pokemon gold/silver/crystle series starters then use the get all of the starters trick to get them all then migrate them to Pokemon diamond or pearl.

How do you get Kanto starters in Pokemon Crystal?

u hav 2 trade them from yellow red or blue or have a good cheat or glitch

The best starter Pokemon on crystal?

Since each type had different weaknesses there is no "Best" starter pokemon. he is correct the only bad starters are treecko and chikorita.

Who are your starter choices in Pokemon Cosmic and Meteor?

They are actually all 12 starters. You can only choose 3 starters.

Can you get starters on pokemon platium?

Yes you get starters on all Pokemon games.