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Well, not to be annoying or anything, but it's actually spelled as Robux, or RBX for short (Sorry, OCD is literally killing me). But you could use some websites. Sites like ROcash and Gamekit are good ones, you just need to have a lot of disk space if using Gamekit. These are affiliate marketing websites that are not associated with Roblox (Gamekit is, ROcash isn't). Gamekit is a very famous website that gives you rewards like free games or gift cards (Steam, Oculus Store, etc.). Usually to get these rewards, you have to gain a certain amount of points. Once these points are achieved (The more points to get the better), you can go to the rewards section and claim whatever you'd like. I don't exactly remember how they give you the reward, but I think it was through e-mail. On the other hand, ROcash is a website that you basically complete random offers for (Offers like OMG! GET A $100000 Walmart GIFT CARD! :D ). These offers don't usually work, so I just do surveys and play the games they give. Again, there is a certain point you have to reach before getting to claim your free Robux (Wow I sound like a scammer). Once you've got those points, you can head on over to the site and it'll tell you that [Insert whatever you were offered here] Amount of Robux has been credited to your account. Now if you go to Roblox, your Robux isn't there. Why? Because there are still a few more steps to take, which just makes my stupid message longer. First, you go back to the site, go to account balance/redeem Robux, and click on the amount (of Robux) that is under the amount of Robux your balance on the site has. It'll tell you to input your name. does that look familiar? Well, guess what? There's actually NO Human Verification. I mean, let's be honest here. We've all seen those pesky little Human Verification offers on "Free Robux" sites before. But this one just tells you to join a group. Once you've joined their group, refresh the page and re-enter the amount of Robux (It needs to be under your ROcash balance.) Once you've entered your name and it says successfully transferred, you just refresh your Roblox page, and it's there! Another way to get Robux is to be a normal human, not waste your time, and just buy it. But let's be honest here, who want's to use money on a game? (Why did I say that, I have overall used over $2000 on my rig) But anyway, I hope you all had a good day, and sorry if I explained some things wrong! :P


Connor Zolotov, Founder and Owner of Golden-StudioWorks

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13y ago

You can save up, You can buy ROBUX and you can hack.

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Randy Spann

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5y ago

How are you going to get 10,000 roebucks

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how do you get 1000000 robux?

Buy now. Nothing is free bro

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definitely by wasting your time searching for "hacks" and asking on

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i need robux


the roblox currency

How much Robux does Roblox have?

About 50 Trillion.

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You don't use robux to buy it you use money

What user on ROBLOX can get you free Robux?

Nobody. You have to buy robux.

How do you earn Robux on Roblox without buying it from the Roblox Central Bank?

If you do not have Builder's Club, the only way to get Robux is to trade tickets in for Robux at the Roblox Exchange. If you do have Builder's club, you can earn Robux by selling cloths and limited edition hats.

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Who knoes how 2 get 1000000 rubux on roblox?

There is no solution to get free robux unless you have money to buy it. Grow up and earn money then buy robux. Best of luck.

How do you get mummy costumes on roblox?

Purchase it with robux on roblox

How do you earn Robux on roblox?

There are several ways you can earn Robux on Roblox. If you have Builders Club on Roblox, you automatically receive a certain number of Robux every day. Builders Club members can also earn Robux by selling cloths and limited edition hats. Both Builders Club and non Builders Club members can use the Roblox Currency Exchange to trade their tickets in for Robux, and use real money to buy Robux on the Roblox Currency exchange.