Its Impossible Also If some one Says "Type in your password to get robux" THERE LIEING Or trying to steal your account And no there is no way To get free robux Unless You make a very popular Place And people vist it Youll Get a lot... 1 Robloxian = 1 ticket It may not seem like much But it ill Keep growing And growing And Poof! Youll Be rich! So remember What I said If any one says something About free Robux There Just trying To lie Or Steal your account....
sure if i have some robux lol
The only other way would to get robux would be to buy it.
Through a group, you can give robux
Nobody. You have to buy robux.
You can't get infinite Robux. It's impossible. You can use inspect element, but it won't actually effect your Robux.
3% of 10000000000000 = 3% * 10000000000000 = 0.03 * 10000000000000 = 300,000,000,000
10000000000000 = 10,000,000,000,000
4-10000000000000 = -9999999999996
10000000000000-3747577 = 9999996252423
100 + 10000000000000 = 10000000000100
100000 times 10000000000000 is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
2 percent of 10000000000000 = 200000000000
If you write it out, you get 10000000000000 digits, so you really can't write it out; so you should just leave it as 10 to the power 10000000000000.