There are 3 step to repair maple story error
If you got maple story error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair maple story error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 - Download a Perfect Optimizer,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you PC for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair maple story error.
I will not delete the other person's answer, but I have a solution too.
Go to C:\ProgramData in your Control Panel.
Find a folder named Nexon or NexonUS and delete it.
If you have problems deleting it, reboot your computer.
Delete all traces of MapleStory, MaplePatches, Nexon, Wizet, and MapleDownloads, etc.
Reboot your computer again.
Go to the MapleStory website and download MS the way you usually would.
Hope that helped.
All monsters in Victoria Island drop Maple weapons.
it can be different from error to error
You need to have the installation of the program of the private server. Check out the website of the private maple story server what is the requirement and installation needed to play
go to google and search maple download
Try logging out then logging back in and reloading maple
MOST of the famous private servers has now been sued by NEXON and many are now unavailable. The only ones availabel are the one with only about a dozen players.
try downloadaing windows installer from the Microsoft site
There's a patch:
You have to be atleast 13 to play maple story
autoIt error how can i fix this problem
You've been ip blocked, go download your region's Maplestory.
You get an avatar and you can get jobs like a magicain and then you can explore the Maple Story World.
Because maple story sucks, go play a real game.
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