You can do a super bark on the DSi after unlocking the ability for Bolt. A Sonic Bark/Super bark is performed by blowing into the mic. This ability an be upgraded later in the game.
Yeah and then the person will fix it
hump it and get knocked up and have a dsiby
Sorry but this is my best answer: go to a computer repair place and see if they can fix it.
bring it to where you bought it and ask them to fix it or just buy another one btw xbox's stink get a ps3
No. The DSi not compatible with any Internet voice chat applications.
has a camera on it a mic and a morph
not much but the dsi has 2 by the mic and on the outside too!
blow on the mic it really works!
no it doesn't. i have a DS lite and it doesn't. neither does the DS, or the DSi
1st,its respond, you speak into the mic into the ds, dsi,or ds XL.
Get a new one.
probably by going to game stop and seeing if they could fix it.
You can do a super bark on the DSi after unlocking the ability for Bolt. A Sonic Bark/Super bark is performed by blowing into the mic. This ability an be upgraded later in the game.
well you can look it up online if not then sorry but your dsi is destroyed
if you mail it back to the Nintendo company, they'll fix it for free once