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Well, during the game play, you will meet four potential skating partners. You have to choose one from the four, it's really up to you, your potential partner isn't really based on the character you chose. Then, during the entire game, there will be some scenes with your potential partner, where you would have to choose your response carefully. The correct one is always the top option, so if you want to reject them gently, choose the second option, reject them all out, third. The person with the highest interest in you will be your partner in the ice show sown in the ending. As for the skating routines, the most effective way is to maximise your stamina, coordination and artistry immediately, in one pre-tournament event. And learn moves with high scores to achieve maximum points ( eg. triple lutz, double axel, quadruple toe loop, etc.). Meet each tournament requirements and be the top figure skater in the world. If you have played Imagine figure skater before, you might need some time to get used to how the game works. Good luck!

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