

Best Answer

extract it from ur my documents file than create shorcut than open normally

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Q: How do you finish downloading cp trainer 2?
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How do you download cp trainer 2?

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how to open the CP Trainer 2 0

What is a cp trainer?

cp trainer is Club Penguin Trainer! Its club penguin cheats To download it copy and paste this word:

How you get CP Trainer 2?

You type Cp trainer in google and find the right site :) There you go!

How do you get cp trainer 2 in clubpenguin?

That's Easy. Type In CP Trainer 2. If It Doesn't Work , It's Not Connected

Where can you get CP Trainer 2?

Is there away to Cheat mambership on clubpenguin?

ya:first:download cp trainer 2 or 3 .......... 2 is betterand then open (cp hacks<in the left top of cp trainer 2 page) and choose account and press cp member

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w/ cp trainer 2

Is cp trainer 2 good for your computer?


Will you get banned if you download cp trainer 1 2 or 3?

All i know is if you download cp trainer 2 you will get banned but i dont know about 1 or 3

Where can you get a cp trainer that works?

you get cp trainers that work go to google and type in cp trainer 2 that works plunder then choose one with the plunder website some you have to be a member to download im a member already Username:kider79 i saw it and it had like 27 pages! go there and donload some (some of them do not work) have fun downloading i dont own :)

How do you get a cp trainer 2 clubpenguincom?

First of all you cant get a cp trainer to come on cp but if there's something big coming on club penguin they'll probably come.