The XMB on the PS3 is the name for the menu or list that covers the screen from right to left with settings, photos, video, games, network and also allows you to go up and down within these different categories. The related link has instructions for background changes of the XMB
go on system information on the XMB and it should tell you
Reformat hd. On the XMB go into the settings menu and you will find "Reformat hard drive".
Turn on your PS3 by pressing the "power" button on the console itself. Then connect your controller via the charging cable. Finally, when on the XMB menu, press the PS button on your controller. Happy Gaming!
The XMB is open as soon as you turn the PSP on
go to the XMB screen under friends and go to add friend and enter screen name. (PS3)
Settings menu on the xmb
in the xmb navigate to playstation network. then find playstation store.
go on system information on the XMB and it should tell you
The PS3™ system includes a user interface called XMB™ (XrossMediaBar).XMB CLEARY STANDS FOR XscrossMediaBar.PS3 IS BETTER THAN XBXO 360!PS3 FTW!
Reformat hd. On the XMB go into the settings menu and you will find "Reformat hard drive".
On ps3 xmb... go to settings go to system settings scroll down to restore ps3 system
You sign up for the service or rent one from the Playstation Store download it and then find it on the XMB under videos and click on it
Go to the file on XMB (opening menu) press triangle and it will bring out some settings find delete and press it.
create a playstation account on ps3/psp then sign in on far left of xmb
go to settings and scrool down to themes
The PS3 has to have the game to play.Games are under your XMB, if you do not have the download or a game disc there are no games to find under the games in your cross media bar. Playstation Home has some games that are free if you have a Playstation Network account and online connection.
You get online on the PS3 by having an internet service provider for broadband cable or DSL and the modem or router to allow WiFi or Ethernet connection to your PS3. Then you use the XMB PS3 settings for network connections to complete the internet connection