the miracle berry is only available as a mystery gift item
The Persim berry, if the Persim berry is give to a pokemon and it becomes confused it will instantly snap out of it's confusion hope it helps!
You can't, Electirizer cannot be obtained in Crystal because it is a generation 4 item.
The HM waterfall is in the ice cave, the cave you use to get to Blackthorn City to get the 8th badge. Just pick up every item that you can see in there and you will find it.
That item does not exist in the early games [gold/silver/crystal], but the closest thing to it is Quick Claw, which can be found by talking to the woman sitting on a park bench with her Pokemon in National Park.
the miracle berry is only available as a mystery gift item
No, a Pokemon can only hold one item or berry at a time.
That only works on Pokemon crystal version in the daycare.
awakening and a chesto berry
It's in one of the pools of water in misty's gym
the clear bell
My team was in this order: Fearow Lv.43 item stirus berry Feraligatr Lv.50 item mystic water Raticate Lv.39 item silk scarf Red Gyarados Lv.41 item cheri berry Graveler Lv.38 item bright powder Pidgeotto Lv42 item pecha berry Hope this helps ;-)
the best item you can give to zecrom is a berry for making ground weak
you either find an item from someone or complete a certain quest
The Persim berry, if the Persim berry is give to a pokemon and it becomes confused it will instantly snap out of it's confusion hope it helps!
You can't, Electirizer cannot be obtained in Crystal because it is a generation 4 item.
Orangatan Berry (Oran berry 4 short)