A router is not part of the PS3 hardware, you must purchase a router if you need one.
You can forward ports on your router for your PS3's IP, add the PS3 to the router's DMZ, or (although just this isn't the best fix in my experience) turn UPnP on on your router
You can use a wireless connection if you have a wireless router
The button is on your router
Router problem. Reset both your router and your ps3 then try to connect again. Make sure you have a good signal.
You don't it could be on your router the PS3 does not have a router
It is your router that disconnects the PS3 and not the PS3 that disconnects the router. Set the router to always on for internet connection, your router is disconnecting when it is not being used by the PS3 for the internet
It would be on your router. the PS3 does not have a router you have to buy one if you need a router
It might be a default password which you can find in the manual for the router. If the router is not your you have to ask the router owner.
The PS3 does not have a router. you must purchase one to connect online if you need a router
Go in available networks list, and find your router. It should have some default name which you can find in the router's manual. When you find it, connect to the network. Then open the browser and type in the address field the default ip address (in manual). You will need default password. If you do not have manual. You can find all required information in internet.
All default passwords are available online. Just google your router brand and model + default password. You will find all information you need and more.
A ps3 does not have a AOSS button the AOSS button is on your wireless routerThe button if available would be on your router and not the PS3 which does not have a router or the router's AOSS button
The button is on the router and not the PS3
The PS3 does not have a router. It can go online with an ethernet cable connected to a router or modem or with WiFi from a wireless router or modem
There is no router on a PS3. There should be a router connected to your computer to give you wifi. The IS a network adapter built inside the PS3 that will connect to your router. For connecting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC7aPylbI3M