You can find Team Galactic commanders Mars and Jupiter at the deepest part of Stark Mountain. Hoped this helped!! (Only in Platinum)
After beating team galactic at stark mountain go catch heatran.'s the end of team galactic.
next door to the Pokemon Centre in the Survival Area. it is unlocked after you have completed the Stark Mountain mission where you finally defeat Team Galactic.
You'll have to go to Stark Mountain and help Buck to get rid of Team Galactic and then return to the cafe. Buck should be standing by it, so talk to him and he will open the door.
go to the sinoh league beat it go to fight area get national pokedex goto stark mountain meat buck(you meet him earlier after you beat flint and volcaner) go into stark mountain you will find Jupiter mars charon and glactin grunts there , you will have to beat Jupiter and mars and all the other stuff.Then you chase after them with buck beat themm looker comes out and your finished
After beating team galactic at stark mountain go catch heatran.
in the back of stark mountain
Team galactic is at the top of the mountain with the fowling members:Mars,Juipiter,and Cyrus.
nothing's the end of team galactic.
you go to stark mountain talk to tam galactic and be in their team and they will give you 1
To get to Stark Mountain there should be some rocks you can't move. To get past them there should be a beige/tan colored rock. If you use your bike on them you should be able to get to Stark Mountain. If you find Team Galactic, after they get the magma stone they will get arrested. Then go out of Stark Mountain. If you can find where the magma stone was, Heatran will be there instead. It is level 50.
Catch heatran
Team Galactic as a whole last sees you in the Veilstone Headquarters but the last time any Team Galactic personnel is seen is in Stark Mountain.
battle tower ,get tougher complete pokedex and complete stark mountain
go back into stark mountain after beating team galactic there.
After the Spear pillar, they go to Stark Mountain