When you buy the food and the monster says "thank you" or "Yummy" or other positive comments, then it is a favorite food. Also, when the monster eats the food, its health will go up lots and its happiness will go up too.
The Moshi Food Factory is available as of April 16, 2014.
Moshi Monsters recently added a new place to get food. You can buy food for your Moshi Monster at the Gross-ery Store on Main Street or at McDolphins on Bleurgh Beach.
try to give your monster its favorite foods(i have a poppet so it likes eye pies and mutant sprout)
Click on Main Street then go to the Grossery Store
Monster munches.
zommers favorite food is bug juice
katsuma crunch is a katsumaz favourite food
It is not on your profile but your monster has a separate profile where it has facts and a picture of your monster as a baby.
Moshlings do not need to be fed, only your Moshi Monster needs to be fed.
if its on moshi monsters then you go to your treasure chest and you will find your food that you bought there.
You find the food in the chest box
Go to the Grossery store and there will be a whole selection of food for your monster.
You cannot buy food dye on moshi monsters
When the monsters say if they are hungry you take them to the Grossery Store and buy something and they will tell you if they like it or not. Your monster has its own profile page that shares information such as its favorite food.
Take your monster shopping at the Gross-ery Store. When you buy their favorite food, your monster will be excited.
There are different ways to get codes for food on Moshi Monsters. Codes for food are usually given in the Daily Growl. You might get a food code when you purchase a Moshi Monsters items such as Moshi Monsters Mash Up Trading Cards.
Buy things at the Gross-ery Store until your monster says "Yippee!" or "Thank you" or "Yum" or something similar. Then go home and feed the monster the food. Which ever food item makes the health and happiness go high is your monster's favorite food.