Set it free. If it comes back to you, it's your's- if not, it never was, and never will be.
no where nobody likes Pokemon
look at profile To find out what type of PokeBlocks your Pokemon likes, go to Mossdeep City. Then go to the house directly behind the PokeCenter. Talk to the man in the house and he will tell you what types of PokeBlocks your lead Pokemon likes. To find out what another Pokemon likes, switch it with your lead one and then talk to him.
Look toward the left you should find alot of rocks navigate your way through them you should find a small island talk to the old man he gives you an egg if he notices a Pokemon likes you if not switch your first Pokemon to a Pokemon that does like you. Also on the island there is a Pokemon breeder that will battle you.
when your Pokemon likes you.
When it likes you. This is one of the Pokemon that evolve through friendship.
no where nobody likes Pokemon
look at profile To find out what type of PokeBlocks your Pokemon likes, go to Mossdeep City. Then go to the house directly behind the PokeCenter. Talk to the man in the house and he will tell you what types of PokeBlocks your lead Pokemon likes. To find out what another Pokemon likes, switch it with your lead one and then talk to him.
mr. Pokemon
In Iccirus city their is the pokemon fan club,in that building,their a woman with a munna,talk to her and you will find the answer
the Pokemon that likes electizer is electabuzz
Beat Elite Four, Then go to your rival's house. You will find Daisy. She will tell how much it likes you.
He likes no such thing.
Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon Jacob is a freaky dude who likes Pokemon
You can't
Uh, yeah. I don't know who this 'Hubert' is, but who cares whether he likes Pokemon or not?!
The pokemon that likes Whipped Dream is Swirlix which is a Pokemon X exclusive pokemon. If you have Swirlix hold the item and then trade it to someone it will evolve to Slurpuff.
no in each season he likes ash not a Pokemon but now he likes Dawns Bunery