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You click the little icon on the bottom of your screen saying world then there are little buttons about and one says "shops" if you click it shops come up if you see one saying booya click it then it has a shop pod saying mannequins.

Your Woozen LotteLou123
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Q: How do you find manni on woozworld?
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How do you get a free manni on woozworld?

collect all of myas shopping bags

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You get a shop podz mannequin. A mannequin or "manni" is often used for stores, "free times", bidding wars, etc. They can hold luxury items and show a full outfit. They can also display faces.

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on the map of woozworld :)

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you could find it on what the wooz?! add me on woozowrld cutie-pie-ywo

What is the population of Manni?

Manni's population is 7,276.

How do you trade clothes with somebody else in woozworld?

You just have to have a manni (mannequin) and the thing u wanna give them! But make sure you trust them first! Cuz if they are just random people you dont know, They will scam you!

How can you get a a manequin in woozworld?

To get a mannequin in woozworld ypu could find all of Mya's bags (search where are Myawooz bags in this site etc) Or you could buy them from booya for forty for wooz Mannequins are used to display or sell items of Clothing

Where do you find the locksmiths on woozworld?

The Avenue

Where to find Booya on woozworld?


When was Manni Schmidt born?

Manni Schmidt was born in 1964.

When was Manni Thofte born?

Manni Thofte was born in 1953.

When was Elachista manni created?

Elachista manni was created in 1990.