(Wii:) Go to the forest. Then go to the upper log/bridge thing (as shown on the map) and cross the river. There is a prospecting area nearby, where you can dig up Gingerbread Men, Cake, and Chocolate Cake. It's near this sloping ramp-like area up to a steel door.
There are no skull essences
they might be on the island with the elves.
This is a list of possible words made from the word gingerbread, also known as anagrams:aabridgeadageagingangeraridbadbadgerbanbandbanebarbargebarnbeadbeardbedbeebeenbeerbebeingbergbinbindbierbingebirdbradbragbraidbrainbreadbredbreedbridebridgebrinebringdabdangerdeardeerdendigdindinedinerdirgedraindrageagerearearnededgeeraerrgabgadgaggainganggardengearGerbergigginGingergrabgradgradegraingrangeideaininbredireragrageraidrainrangrangerangerrarereadReadingrearredreedreinrenderridridgerigrindringringer
you use the metal detector to find onxy
You can find springs by going to a couch and jumping on it.
You can find gingerbread men recipes in the internet, or buy a cookie cook book, they have tons of recipes that you need to make gingerbread men or any cookies.
The number one website one may find recipes for Gingerbread men cookies would be mccormick dot com. They offer a wide variety of recipes for not only Gingerbread cookies, but many other delectable pastries.
Nowadays, almost all bakeries have gingerbread men, and Ipswich is not an exception. Gingerbread men have become very popular, especially in important dates (Christmas, Halloween, Eastern).
Nothing. They are a cookie.
You can find chocolate in MySims Kingdom by digging in Cutetopia.
gingerbread men
You can find them in Candypalooza!
you find it in your head
you can prospect for them in the forest by one of the benches.
Yes, you can safely freeze gingerbread men.