You find them at pregenerated NPC villages, they have small patches of farmland surrounded by wooden logs, you can harvest their carrots and potatoes so you can go grow your own.
Just like in real life, you can't "make" carrots in Minecraft. You can, however, plant them just like seeds and potatoes.
You can mostly find carrots in a village or there dropped by zombies on rare occasions.
you get carrots in minecraft from baby zombies on chickens or spiders, you have to kill them and then you will get them.
Witches, bats, wither skeletons, the wither mob boss, heads, anvils, becons, carrots, potatoes, baked potatoes, golden carrot, carrot on a stick (leads a pig around when riding it), and pumpkin pie.
Just like Wheat or Potatoes
Just like in real life, you can't "make" carrots in Minecraft. You can, however, plant them just like seeds and potatoes.
You can mostly find carrots in a village or there dropped by zombies on rare occasions.
Carrots spawn in NPC Villages that have Generated after the Carrots were added to the game. If you made a world before Carrots were added you may have to explore newly generated areas or simply make a new world and find an NPC village that way. Potatoes are found the same way :3
you get carrots in minecraft from baby zombies on chickens or spiders, you have to kill them and then you will get them.
To get carrots in Minecraft PE you need to get seeds. You get seeds from zombies.
The carrots,broccoli, potatoes and sparagos are good to gout.
Carrots broccoli potatoes and sparagos are not good to gout.
They eat potatoes on a Kindle.
Some fruits and vegetables that grow underground are potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, sweet potatoes, radishes, onions, and garlic.