yes in the cave place but you have to have a cidiquil, qualava, or a typhlosion with you
(you don't find it you breed 2 magmar and when egg hatches you've got magby)You don't necessarily have to breed two magmar's you could just get a ditto and breed a magmar with the ditto, as with anyother Pokemon except legendary Pokemon.By the pokewalker.
on the pokewalker
If You want to catch magby in Pokemon pearl you have to: Insert a Pokemon leafgreen game in the GBA slot. Goto stark Mountain and search there eventualy you will find a magby if u don't start using pokeradar then u will find it Good Luck<(-_-)>
You can't you can only find snorunt in the pokewalker
first you need leaf green version, insert it into your ds, then go to stark mountain keep looking until you find magby once you find and catch magby train him to level 30 then you will have magmar.
You have to use the pokewalker to get magby and then evolve it into magmar at lv.30.
(you don't find it you breed 2 magmar and when egg hatches you've got magby)You don't necessarily have to breed two magmar's you could just get a ditto and breed a magmar with the ditto, as with anyother Pokemon except legendary Pokemon.By the pokewalker.
im not really sure but u can catch a magby on the pokewalker and that evolves into magma
you can find magby in the lava map. you go up one stairway then you walk.. later on a magby will appear.
Well you can't find magby you have to breed it with magmar.
You can catch both Elekid and Magby with the Pokewalker. both will evolve to Electrabuzz and Magmar at level 30. If you don't have the Pokewalker you can still get both Magmar and Electrabuzz in the Safari Zone, though it is much harder that way. EDIT: You can also find a Magmar in the Burned Tower and find find electa buzz at the power plant route 10 use the white flute its helpful.
Magby is the baby version of the fire Pokemon Magmar. You can find one outside the ironworks in Pokemon Platinum.
Wild Magby occasionally hold them. You can catch Magby at Stark Mountain.
Get an egg from ditto and magmar put together, when it hatches u get magby. Easy
You get it by capturing a magby in your Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. You do the insertion trick with Pokemon Leafgreen, and you can find Magby on route 227 and on Stark Mountain. In Diamond, Magby have a magmatizer about 5% of the time. In Peral, Magby have a magmatizer about 50% of the time.
That's the number of steps you've taken. If you get 20 steps, you get 1 watt, which you can use to find pokemon, items, or unlock new routes. You also need a certain number of steps to find certain pokemon, like 5,000 or more to find a Magby in the Rugged Road route.