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They randomly generate throughout the world, to find one just keep digging underground.

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Q: How do you find a dungeon on a map in minecraft?
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How do you make a lead in minecraft?

You can't make it, you have to find it in dungeon chests.

What level does a dungeon on Minecraft?

A dungeon in Minecraft can spawn on any level that normal land can spawn on

What is the Minecraft seed for dungeon spawning?

just look at the minecraft seed list by googleing it by typin "What are the dungeon seeds for minecraft?" hope this helped

What color does a dungeon show up as on a minecraft map?

Dungeons are underground. Maps display the surface. Therefore, dungeons do not show up on maps.

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You cannot make horse armor in Minecraft. Instead, you need to find it in dungeon chests.

Where do you find mushrooms in minecraft pe?

Randomly around the map

Why do you collect discs in Minecraft?

You can collect discs in Minecraft to play music. You can either find them in dungeon chests or you can get one when a skeleton shoots a creeper and kills it.

How do you find a dungeon door in explorers of sky?

There's no such thing as a door in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, but you can get to the next floor of a dungeon by using the stairs. You find the stairs by running around the dungeon floor until you find a gray, stair-shaped icon in the room, or by finding a blue square on the faint white map of the dungeon in front of you.

How do you make coco beans in Minecraft?

As of Beta 1.4, cocoa beans couldn't be found ingame. You can only find them inside dungeon chests. You can read more about dungeon chests on Minecraft Wiki (the link is under "Sources and related links" below this answer).

How do you find the dungeon boss key in twilight princess?

In every dungeon, there is a large, pointed, sinister looking chest. Inside is the Boss Key. Usually you have to solve a puzzle or defeat a monster to get to it. If you find the Dungeon Map, that will help you quite a lot.

How do you find Dungeons. in minecraft?

a dungeon is found under ground or on land when you are near a dungeon you will hear all Spiders, all Zombies or all skeletons and when you find cobblestone and mossy cobblestone

How do you get a forest in Minecraft?

Minecraft randomly spawns different biomes. Simply create a map and explore. You'll find a forest eventually.