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You can find one on Map 9. Because i just found a plasma Rayquaza on 8/24/2010

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Q: How do you find Rayquaza on Pokemon lake?
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Where do you get Rayquaza in Pokemon lake?

you get rayquaza in map 9, you can also get raikou and entei there

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You can't find rayquaza in pokemon platinum.

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You have to trade Kyogre from Pokemon Sapphire, and you must trade Rayquaza from Pokemon Emerald.

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Rayquaza can be found in Blackthorn City where Clair is.

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You can't get Kyogre in Pokemon Ruby but you can get Kyogre in Pokemon emerald and sapphire and in ruby you only get groudon and rayquaza. In sapphire you get Kyogre and rayquaza and in emerald you can get groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza.

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yes you have to find all of the seven to catch rayquaza in pokemon white

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You need to buy a cloud map for 20 credits for Rayquaza

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you can't

Where to find a Rayquaza on Pokemon Black?

Unfortunately, you have to use poketreansfer or cheat. You can't find it in Pokemon black.

How do you get Rayquaza in diamond without migrating?

You can't find Rayquaza it in pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum. You just migrate it in Pokemon Emerald, ruby and saphirer

What map in Pokemon deluge was Rayquaza staying?

hey i find rayquaza at map 10 if that Pokemon did not show now i don't knowbattle me my username was enriquez