You have to get a certain amount of points on wifi
Get 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars and you will get Skydive (Autobots), or G1 Starscream (Decepticons).
You Don"t Beat Him By Hunter Hos
250 wi-fi tokens from playing allsparks wars
Don't now soz
You have to get a certain amount of points on wifi
buy getting it
you can but if you cant find it you are a rat bag
Get 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars and you will get Skydive (Autobots), or G1 Starscream (Decepticons).
Collect 2600 wi-fi tokens and get the target. Once you get it, if it has a ds download station, download the Transformers DS trailer to unlock the airplane...a.k.a:skidive jet
Go to Youtube and type in, Transformers ROTF DS Autobots Mission 6
you can't. you unlock it from allspark wars. you cant in the second one, though.
It's simple, go to the code junkies website and look up Transformers: Autobots under DS and look for Transformers: Autobots (v1.1) and it'll give you an updated codes list.
On transformers Decepticons you can use Starscream or Megatron as a jet or by getting 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars you can get G1 Starscream (Jet). I am not 100% sure but I think you have to go to any Target and go to someplace where you will download the movie trailer then you will get a Jet called Skydive (Autobots).