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Unless it has max beauty you can't. You'll need to catch another one and try again.

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Q: How do you evolve feebas if it won't eat anymore?
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Why wont feebas eat anymore poffins?

It means that he/she ate to many. If your trying to evolve it, i used a trick. If you have one and you feed it to many, breed w/ ditto. If you want to check if its ready to evolve, go to the scarf guy/ chairman of Pokemon club.

How do you evolve a Feebas into a Milotic in Pokemon Diamond?

feed it dry poffins. but make sure the poffins are levels 30 or so or it wont work. when it wont eat any more level it up. if it doesnt evolve then the poffins were too weak

How do you give feebas pokeblock if it says it won't eat anymore?

you cant

Im trying to get a Milotic but your feebas won't eat anymore?

Your feebas won't eat anymore because its too fat! But there still is a cheat to get a milotic: Go to mirage island and use dig in the grass. Hope that helps!

How do you evolve feebas if it won't eat anymore poffin on Pokemon platinum?

well you have to level up your feebas too! (if it doesn't work you need its beauty raised more but that's when you have to level up again!)

In Pokemon shipphire you traded your friend his feebas and you made it's buaety until it wont eat and you finished the beathy rank but it wont evolve then you traind it to lv 30 and it wont evolve wha?

no ok then u cant get milotic... u have to get its beauty all the way up. all the way, if pokeblock was used and it didnt do beauty then im sorry u need all 12 pokeblocks to be beauty.. im sorry. ok the best way to do this is to trade it Pokemon pearl or diamond.(by migrating) then all you have to do is make him/her eat will start eating again. (i hope if this doesnt work just get another feebas and migrate it in diamond or pearl its easierto give max.) are breed it, and get more feebas and get them to eat, and if u have a AR there is a cheet to have supper puffun.

What do you do if feebas can't eat anymore poke blocks?

dont try and feed it pokeblocks. try a ploughmans lunch.

Where can you find a ganlon berry in Pokemon emerald?

where do u find ganlon berry? the reson y i need to find it because i want to evolve feebas but the pokeblocks i give it wont max its beauty and it says that it cant eat any more

How do you max out feebas's beauty when he doesn't want to eat anymore but i haven't tried to feed it the next day yet...?

Ive had a lot of trouble with my feebass,but once its full it cant eat any more poffins,even till the next week it wont eat any more(poffins).Its disappointing = (

My feebas wont eat more dry poffins but its beauty isn't max help?

feed it more my young patowan

What happens when a Pokemon says they won't eat anymore poffins on Pokemon Diamond?

they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry

Why wont my feebas in Pokemon diamond evolve Its a boy his beauty is max he wont eat any more and Ive leveled him up 20 levels whats up?

well, you are in the same thing with me i think you got to put him in a high level ------------ You only have to level him him up one level. his beauty is probably a little less than max. ---- It's probably that you weren't able to max out it's beauty with the poffin limit and you need to catch another feebas and try again. ---- Since it's hard to catch feebas, consider breeding another if the one you have is a female.