it doesn't evolve, only bronzor evolves into bronzong at level 33
yes, it evolves into bronzong
Bronzor evolves into Bronzong at level 33. Hope I helped.
In which game?
bronzong learns block at level 33 glad I hellped
Bronzong is the highest evolution. It doesn't evolve into anything.
yes, it evolves into bronzong
you can evolve a bronzor into a bronzong at lvl. 33 or you can find on when you go into mt. Coronet at hearthome city. There you can find a Bronzong at the cave before you get to the spear pillar.
If you're talking about the Pokemon Bronzong, It does not evolve, it is the final evolution of its tree
Yes, bronzor does evolve in SoulSilver. Bronzor evolves into a Bronzong. Bronzor will evolve in any version it is available in.
Bronzor evolves into Bronzong at level 33. Hope I helped.
bronzor evolves at lv 95. Im kidding, at lv 33
Bronzong is a Steel and Psychic
Shiny Bronzong is a light green color.
bronzong can breed with ditto but all youll get is a bronzor