First, give your Rhydon an item called a Protector, then trade it to your friend, and it will evolve to Rhypherior.Trade it back, and enjoy!:)
Ryhorn evolves into Rydon at lv. 42. it will also learn Hammer Arm after it evolves.
evolve a ryhorn, trade for one, or CHEAT! XP
2 ways number 1 is give rydon a protector then go to the GTS station at jublife city and trade it to a friend and get him to trade it to you back then youll have ryperior or.... put rydon on offer still with the protecter then go on seek Pokemon press A on the Pokemon you want then trade it (if you have it of cource) finally go on summary on the GTS menu and press A when rydon comes up youlll have rydon for about 10 seconds then he will quickly evolve in to rypherior P.S you get rydon round the field area of spark mountain enjoy!
The first Pokemon that was invented was rydon IT WAS BULBASAUR
You can get Rydon to evolve by trading it with a protecter.
it evolve at lv42
give it poo
you can evolve rydon by trading with the protctor
Give it a Protector and trade it and it will evolve into Rhyperior.
Rhyhorn evolves at level 42.
Ryhorn evolves into Rydon at lv. 42. it will also learn Hammer Arm after it evolves.
trade it into Pokemon emreld
trade it with a protector then trade it back
You have to trade it while your Rydon is holding a Protecter item. Trade it to your friend and then trade it back to yourself and you now have a Ryperior.
give it to rydon and trade it to make him evolve