Level it up to Lv. 30, If you want MAGNAZONE bring MAGNETON to Mt.Cornet and level it up once more.
depends what do u want it to evolve into?
Girafarig doe's not evolve
you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.
It has to hold a razor claw and evolve it at night.
it will evolve when it learns ancientpower at level 33
Yes you can trade from soulsilver - heartgold to pearl and diamond etc....
Magnimite envolves at Lv.30
Magnetmite evolves at level 30 into Magneton. Magneton can further evolve into Magnezone by leveling up at Mt. Coronet in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl or Chargestone Cave in Pokemon Black and White.
Magnemite evolves at level 30 into Magneton.
Yes Corphish does evolve in Pokémon Pearl.
I does not evolve
steelix does not evolve
you can not evolve it
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
it doesn't evolve
it doesn't evolve
Machamp can not evolve.