you obtain kings rock and link trade slowpoke whilst its holding kings rock= SLOWKING
Well, for Slowpoke to evlove into Slowbro, get it to level 37 with a Rare Candy and it will evolve into Slowbro, but if you want to get Slowking, you must trade Slowpoke with a Kings rock.
Slowpoke will evolve at Level 37.
Slowpoke evolves to Slowbro at level 37. Slowpoke evolves to Slowking by being traded with a King's Rock
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.
Slowpoke evolves into slowbro at level 37
You trade slowpoke wile it holds kings rock
Slowpoke will evolve at Level 37.
Yes, Slowpoke is capable of evolving in Pokémon. Slowpoke can evolve into Slowbro and Slowpoke once traded with a King's Rock item attached to it can also evolve into Slowking.
You can evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro once it reaches Level 37.
Slowbro does not evolve. Slowbro is already a fully-evolved form. Slowpoke can evolve into two different forms--Slowbro and Slowking. In order for Slowpoke to evolve into Slowking, you have to trade Slowpoke while the Slowpoke is holding the item King's Rock.
You can find Slowpoke in the Abundant Shrine's water and it is more common in rippling water.
Slowpoke evolves into Slowking by attaching a King's Rock to Slowpoke and then trading the Slowpoke to another player.
Slowpoke evolves at level 37.
Slobro, which can evolve into Sloking.
Trade a Slowpoke holding a King's Rock and it will evolve. You can get a Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well.
a slowpoke evovles with a material and you should also google it a hole
Slowpoke evolves to Slowbro at level 37. Slowpoke evolves to Slowking by being traded with a King's Rock
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.