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you cant evolve it by just ranking up, you have to trade it with a freind, then trade it back, the good thing about that is it therefore gets double xp... anymore pokémon questions, just ask me here:

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Q: How do you evole haunter?
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What do you give haunter to evolve?

you must trade haunter to evole it

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You evole haunter by trading it with a friend :D

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It evolves into Haunter at level 25, and then into Gengar by trading Haunter to another Pokemon game.

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The way u can get gengar is to evole gastly all the way to haunter than trade it wih someone than u get gengar

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Does haunter evolve to Gengar?

OF COURSE!! you'll need to trade an haunter to a friend, and haunter will evolve TO GENGAR

When does Haunter evolve in Pokmon Gold?

haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42