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there are 2 ways to escape the end world on mine-craft PC version.

1. is to die

2. is to defeat the end er dragon. you may think its impossible or its a glitch nut its not. all you have to do is 1. destroy the power/health circuit from the end er dragon which is those spinning cubes on top of (EVERY) the towers. 2.after that if the end er dragon gets hit it will not regenerate health. so after a while as you continue to kill the dragon it will lose more and more till it stops and explodes. after that a portal will appear right underneath where the end er dragon died. ( this could take a while to kill the end er dragon)

3. jump into the portal and then there will be a speech, then credits and then back to the real world and you beaten the game and yes you can return to the end world and use the same portal to get back.( if you want to skip the speech and the credits just push ESC). and that's how to escape the end er world

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