

Best Answer

first you need to get the plunger then you go to

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Q: How do you escape the bathroom?
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How do you escape the bathroom in Escape the Bathroom?

open a window then jump out the window

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What is the code to escape the bathroom?

look for it u'll find it

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You should always?

Have an emergency escape route planned. wash your hands after using the bathroom

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just say i need to go to car or bathroom

Why does Nag hide in the bathroom?

Nag hides in the bathroom because it is a safe space for him where he can have some privacy and solace. The bathroom is a familiar place where he can feel secure and escape from the pressures of the outside world.

What is the secret of the floss in escape the bathroom?

The floss is not needed in any way to solve the game. It is just there as an extra item.

What is the first room escape game?

well i dont know all of them but try the great escape games if you do play them in order here is the order 1the great kitchen esccape 2the great living room escape 3the great bathroom escape 4the great basement escape 5the great bedroom escape 6the great attic escape 7the great house escape which wraps them up

How does the honduran white bat affect people?

it makes you poo rainicorns sadly you will never escape the bathroom if you are over 60

What is the lock code in escape the ladies room?

Look at the sign in the bathroom, you know the one of the girl throwing her trash away.