You can get the regice, regirock, or registeel.
u can find spheal i think anywhere in shoal cave. u can also find snorunt in an icy room in shoal cave. regice and kyogre also kno a few ice move u can also teach other Pokemon to use ice attacks with tms. i hope this helps! =]
It's in kyogre's cave
It's Terra cave and can only be found in emerald
somewhere in shoal cave somewhere in shoal cave
Regice is on Island Cave on Route 105.
There is no cave for the regis in Pokemon ruby. I have the game no regice regirock or steel.
Regice is in route 105 in the island cave with those 5 big boulders around it.
the cave of regis is a place where you unlock 3 regi doors registeel, regice regiggis the other is in the sapharie zone
Pokemon diamond/pearl-trade PLATNUM-mt.cornet Pokemon emerald/sapphire/ruby-island cave-avalble by surfing
U will need flash for this. once you have flash you stand in the middle of his cave and use flash then go in and catch the FUTHAMUKA
The only way to get Regice on pokemon diamond is to transfer them from Ruby, Emerald, or Sapphire.
Groudon is at Cave of Origin,Regirock is at Desert Ruins,Regice is at Island Cave,Registeel is at Ancient Tomb,Latias is in the wild in hoenn,and Latios is in Southern Island.
migrate it from ruby/sapphire.
you need seven badges to enter the cave. to do it, go to sootopolis city and talk to steven who will then lead you to the cave
you cant get regice in pearl you haft to migrate him from sappire ruby or emerald
there is not regice in pearl. but if you have ruby, emerald, or sapphire you could trade regice,regirock, and registeel to get rigigious.