In certain stages where there are slimes dropping from the cieling or oozing from the floor, there is a random chance that a golden slime will spawn as opposed to an ordinary purple poisoning one.
Synthesize a king slime and a king cure slime. King Slime=(slime+slime)+(slime+slime) King Cureslime=Megalodon+(any slime, B rank I think) GOOD LUCK!
King Slime + Metal King Slime & King Bubble Slime + Metal Kaiser Slime. NOTE: Grandpa Slime is pretty hard!
i dont how
slime tree or kerning city pq
Can be scouted on infern island at night before you reach the last dungeon.
by doing his quest (ya get quest items from basilisk deathgazer greendragon and slime thing in well) and then ya unlock his shop its in there and costs AC's.
Bone Baron /\ {Grim Rider x Dark Slime Knight (On early Infern Isle)} /\ /\ {Demonrider (Xeroph Isle nighttime) x Restless Armor} {Cockateer x Slime Family}
bone rider and a dark slime knight
Swich to slime pack and press LB or RB to shoot . Spray it until you hear this dissolving noise and see the black slime disappear.
You can summon the Slime king where ever you want when ever you want. To do this you must have 20 gel (90 on a console) and a golden crown and make a king slime summoning item at a demon alter.
The men in black took a sample of the strange slime.It began to ooze from the fridge like slime.
Once he gives you a Slime Knight, he will A) Spin his Scythe and throw is at you B) Cast a spell and make tiny Grim Reapers fly at you or C) Throw 3 tiny scythes at you. When He does C, use the Slime Knight to slash the scythes back at him (Y button). Keep Repeating.And after you beat him, he will drop his scythe and you can Elasto Blast it and use it as ammo in your tank.
Black nerite feed off the algae or algal slime growing on rocks in rockpools.
can black mold effect the body
Synthesise two metal kaiser slimes. To make a metal kaiser, synthesise a metal slime knight with a liquid metal slime and synthesise the result with the product of two ordinary metal slimes.