1.CHASE IT AROUND KANTO!Or 2,getthe enigma stone via nintndo wi fi.
in pewter city
You get it from an old man in Pewter city. To get to Pewter city, you have to have beaten the main storyline in Johto.
In the pewter city museum. to get his attantion you must bring walking latias ( heartgold) or latios ( soulsilver ) with a soul dew from a mystery gift. then he will take you to saffron city. he will talk to you for a while. then he will go back to pewter then show you latios ( heartgold ) or latias ( soulsilver ) outside of the museum. then after you defeat or catch one of eon Pokemon that's the last of him.
he will battle you in the kanto region but you need to have gotten the enigma stone to catch latias/latios he'll battle you in pewter city or saffron city
well first you get to the Kanto region by beating the guy on mt. silver then there is a town called pewter city. In pewter city you will get the feather from the old person right next to the poke mart.
well there is one thing show it off and mabey go to the pewter city meuseum
it's an event. pewter city (Enigma crystal)
Go to the Pewter City Museum. Talk to Steven. Talk to the assistant. When you leave, Steven will talk to you. Battle Latios in Pewter City.
1.get the enigma stone(from mystery gift) 2.go to pewter city and go to the pewter museum3. Go to your far right and talk to steven4. go outside of the museum and latios will appear.
Lugia will be in Whirl Islands. You will need to get the Silver Wing from the old man in Pewter City before you can encounter Lugia, however.
You need the Enigma Stone via a Wi-fi event. Then, give it to the attendant in Pewter Museum and he gives you the Soul Dew. Latias will appear outside in Pewter city, where you battle it.
in kanto after pasing diglett's cave go north there you will find pewter city
yes. after you get to pewter city there is an old man on a hill at the far right corner of pewter city. talk to him then you got the silver wing.
It is only possible through the Enigma stone event in which you then go to the Pewter city Museum talk to the guy who takes fossils and will tell you it's the Soul Dew and then Steven will then talk to you and after that you leave the Museum and Latios will appear (Depends on the version you have).
in pewter city
it's at the pewter museum of science at pewter city go in then go right talk to the guy at all th way to the right and then get out you'll see him out there then go left you'll see the latios
You get it from an old man in Pewter city. To get to Pewter city, you have to have beaten the main storyline in Johto.