

Best Answer

All you got to do is walk around the chat places, Then these quiz things and stuff come up, You click on them if you get it right you get tiny amount of coins,But hurry because other people on movie star planet can get them too,Even before you so you better hurry too get it,the other way is that when you log in there is the spinner thing so yeah.Find me on movie star planet my name is hot! ..Enjoy! :)

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You should supervise your kids if they play that game.

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If you are talking about a stands for. Movie Star Planet

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No you can't get pregnant on movie star planet the game.

How many people play the game Movie Star Planet?

1,2 millions plays this game

How safe is the game Movie Star Planet?

If you mean does it give you viruses then, no it is safe.

Is there a game where you can be a movie star?

yeah, its a game called it is online and free. get your movie star and make friends and movies! be friends with me on moviestar planet by search after camipanda :-)

Is the any other game better than movie star planet?

Every other game in existence.

Is Movie Star Planet a game?

Yes it is a real game and its free to join I am on it to its a really fun game everyone should play on it.

What is a great virtual world game for girls?

im thinking ourworld or movie star planet

How do you give away your pet in Movie Star Planet?

Movie Star Planet is a super cute online game where you can get pets to take care of, virtually. There are no instructions on how to give a pet away once you obtain it though.