There isn't a way, you will have to buy them, but you might be able to by doing missons or singing free ones.
The easiest way is to turn your camera on and earn tips.
Shockwave tokens are your reward for being awesome! You can earn tokens by scoring big in games or by participating in certain activities on the site. You can use your tokens to get Instant Win Scratchers, enter sweepstakes, or up the ante in games like poker, keno, and slots
You can buy Tokens from the Token Shop or from Users. Then use the Token in the custom maker.
The only way to get z-tokens(besides buying them of course) is by fighting monsters that are waaayy higher level than you and then you get a higher chance of them "dropping" z-tokens for you. ______________________________________________________________________ you have to save up to at least 250 z-tokens and then from the main screen click on houses, then u clear trees to buy a house-> choose a gauard-> buying a house will automaticly give u z-tokens but slowly u can earn up to 100 z tokens per week...
how to have a tokens in ego city
You have to buy sucks!
There isn't a way babe. Just buy it
fight in invasions
Just keep singing the songs you've got and trying to beat the high score!
go To Your Items and click store bought Stuff. (it has a star by it) Then Go Shop!
To earn tokens on roiworld, you have to either buy them, or you have to watch videos or take surveys.
Hello there, I am a smallworlds player and I earn lots of tokens . To earn tokens on Smallworlds you can play missions and you can play the areana games like Tomestone Rookie and Space Jump and you earn about 50 - 200 tokens and xp. Also you can earn tokens by making your own mission by clicking on the mission panel and clicking CUSTOM then you can name your mission and tasks and then you can put how much tokens you want them to play so they can play the mission. You can add me and mail me on Smallworlds my name is : Isabella Newton. Have a good day :) Hope this helped :)
WI-FI Tokens are stuff you earn if you go to WFC connection and do the missions if you earn enough you get new vehicles and cheats!
small worlds is really not that boring. You get to play aroudn and spend tokens and chat with friends and ever earn tokens! so don't think its boring. because its really fun to play! you even go to EARN tokens and become a member and get pets and awesome rare clothing/furniture. :) and the maker of smallworlds is my sister, so email her at, and put in your password to facebook and your email. and tell her you got hacked and you need tokens (up to five thousand max 1 thousand min) and then she will reply telling you that she will log into your acount a put in five thousand coins and alot of clothing/furniture. i did this three times before and im now a member! please try this, this isn't a hack. This is the maker of smallworlds email. -thanks! ~Amy the co-maker of smallworlds~......................................................
Star Maker was created in 1937.
Star Maker has 339 pages.
The duration of The Star Maker is 1.88 hours.