well you can accomplish achievements
like : buy ten furniture
voted 100 times
500 buzz woozens
first sale
make a friend
change clothes etc.
you can also do it by finishing quests like the Canada quest, the fourth of July quest or the pirates quest you can take quests in the hall of quests or something
you can get money(wooz or beex) in woozworld by subscriptions, or you can complete objectivz and voting on other woozens.
Woozworld is a virtual world for kids age 9+. It's where kids can chat, trade, design, buy, earn, and hang out ..woozworld is when u could text go on a tour and have fun lots of kids get on woozworld.
u can put something in your shop podz and sell it,but it must be a choice,premium,luxury shop podz so that u can earn wooz.If u want a easier way,just go and BUY WOOZ from the woozworld store.:)
if they want something they have to earn it. they need to earn the money then buy the thing they want. they need to learn how to earn money and how to survive in an economic crysis.
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
Woozworld, doesn't have missions although it does have, Quests & Achievements completing these will earn you beex and wooz. (Money)
does the game woozworld cost money every time you play it
you can get money(wooz or beex) in woozworld by subscriptions, or you can complete objectivz and voting on other woozens.
You can earn wooz and beex in woozworld by doin objectivz (tasks), and by selling clothes or objects. If you are a V.I.P., you might be able to get free clothes and free wooz on a daily basis. Add me on woozworld. I have three accounts. josmelin, zendayawestbury,cooliolg
Woozworld is a virtual world for kids age 9+. It's where kids can chat, trade, design, buy, earn, and hang out ..woozworld is when u could text go on a tour and have fun lots of kids get on woozworld.
Every once in a while there would be contests that will be announced in the blog, and you can earn some wooz if you win, but if you would like to have a lot of wooz and be a sepetillionaire, you would need to use real world money to pay for a VIP membership or wooz bundles.
u can put something in your shop podz and sell it,but it must be a choice,premium,luxury shop podz so that u can earn wooz.If u want a easier way,just go and BUY WOOZ from the woozworld store.:)
There are a number of ways. Woozworld used to just sell the dragon in their store, but it was limited and now it ran out. So you can only buy the wuzzle pieces in the magik wuzzle pieces, but either way you will need to pay some real money either for a wooz pack or a VIP membership to earn enough wooz to buy it.
Nope. Simple as that. The Woozworld servers are encrypted so it is impossible to use a cheat engine. You will just have to work or become a vip to get money, no lazy ways around
Wipe out your credit card (or your mom and dad's credit card) and buy. There is no way to earn free wooz and get enough of it to become a woozenillionare. You will have to buy a VIP membership and buy tons of wooz packs.
No it is free but if u want to be a VIP to, cost money and i will give u a little advice woozworld is gay because the woozband sucks.
The purpose of a revenue tariff is to earn money for the govrnment.