To earn money fast you should go to the mine. You can sell those items to van, and he is located at the inner inn ONLY on days that end with a 6 and 8. I hope this helped you.
You can earn money in Harvest Moon DS several ways by getting gems from mine and selling them, by selling the produce which are made by your animals and fishing or just generally selling the items you collect from foraging. Hope this helps. :)
Animals, crops, foraging, bug catching, fishing.
At 5.00 pm Tomas pays you but if you max money it doesn't work
Win cooking festivals and get a reward from Ina or rutger then ship the reward
If you eat a toadstools in Harvest Moon Cute you will earn fatigue points. I assume after eating a few, you will pass out.
You can earn money in Harvest Moon DS several ways by getting gems from mine and selling them, by selling the produce which are made by your animals and fishing or just generally selling the items you collect from foraging. Hope this helps. :)
you can earn power berries in Harvest Moon by winning contests
the same way you earn money in every other season collect any couloured hearts or flowers that you see
To get money on harvest moon you sell items.thats pretty much it.
Go find mushrooms and stuff like that and plants and wood, rocks and there should be a chest by your house and put them in there and you will earn money and just keep on doing it
they help you w/ your work also on harvest moon ds they have a casino where you can earn ALOT of metals and trade them in fir stuff
Animals, crops, foraging, bug catching, fishing.
There is no cheat for all the harvest sprites. You have to earn them all.
At 5.00 pm Tomas pays you but if you max money it doesn't work
Their are a lot of glitches in Harvest moon DS to get lots of cash! But in harvest moon DS cute they have all been fixed! Here is how you make money, BY ACTUALLY FARMING! :)
Win cooking festivals and get a reward from Ina or rutger then ship the reward
If you eat a toadstools in Harvest Moon Cute you will earn fatigue points. I assume after eating a few, you will pass out.