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Answer "how to duplicate rare candies"( you do not need GameShark to do this, I HAVE DUPLICATED RARE CANDIES BEFORE, i have 50)

so you need to have beaten the elite four so you have acces to the battle frontier ( your dad gives you the boat ticket to go to the battle frontier ). Once you are at the battle frontier go to the battle tower, then give the rare candy you want to duplicate to any Pokemon in your team. Go to your PC, deposit the Pokemon holding the rare candie you want to clone in a EMPTY BOX ( the Pokemon holding the rare candy will be duplicated with the rare candy!!! cool huh ) then exit the PC. save the game right after you exit the PC. then once you have saved go in the PC, withdraw the Pokemon holding the rare candy that you want to duplicate from the empty box. exit the PC and go to the lady and talk to her, do lv50 then when she askes you "there is already a saved file would you like to save the game?" don't say yes or no just turn the game off. go back on, you will be in front of the lady look in your party you will have the Pokemon with the rare candy in your party, then go to the PC and look, you will see the same Pokemon with same item in your empty PC box and in your party ( it is in your PC and your party so it has been duplicated succesfully!!!!!! )

IT WORKED FOR ME ( i have 50 rare candies and 50 groudons!!!! )

if it did not work for you read the instructions again VERY CAREFULLY and try again!!!

have fun duplicating!!!!

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