

Best Answer

U can but in some servers ( multiplayer ) just type in console command drop

hope it helps! However, in the console orange box version, you cannot drop weapons.

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Q: How do you drop weapons in half life?
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How do you drop weapons on MW2 xbox?

the only way you can drop a weapon is if you pick up another weapon to replace it.

How do you use customs skins in half-life 2 deathmatch?

Download win.rar. Then go to Download any skin you wantfor half life 2 deathmatch. Make new folder on desktop. Extract the .rar file you justdownloaded into the new folder on your desktop. There should be a models folder anda materials folder. Then open c:\program files\steam\steamapps\username\half life 2deathmatch\hl2mp. You should now see materials and models folders inside the hl2mpfolder. Then go back into the downloaded folder on your desktop. Open the materialsfolder. Inside materials should be a model folder. Open it. Inside the modelsfoldershould be a weapons folder. Open the weapons folder. Inside should be a folderwith the name of the file you downloaded. There should be a bunch of .vmt, .vtx, etcfiles inside. Drag and drop all of those into c:\program files\steam\steamapps\username\half life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\models\weapons. That part is done. Now goback into the folder that you extracted that should be on ur desktop. Open the modelsfolder now. Inside should be a weapons folder. Inside should be a bunch of .vtx, .mdlfiles. Drag and drop all of those files into c:\program files\steam\steamapps\username\half life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\models\weapons. There. All done. Hope this helps =)Faster, easier alternative method: (This was deleted by the original answer's author when I replaced the old answer with it. @the author: Please dont delete this.)Download WinRAR from if you don't already have itInstall WinRARSearch for HL2:DM skins, or go to the skin and save the RAR or ZIP file.Open the .rar file, and there should be a models folder and a materials folder.Close Half-Life 2 Deathmatch if it is runningNavigate to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\username\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\Select and Drag the two folders from the .rar archive and drop them into the hl2mp folder.If Windows asks you to merge, replace, confirm, overwrite, etc, Click Yes.Restart Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, start a game, and choose the modified weapon to see the skin in action! If it is a model, change your Player Model to the correct one (in Options).

What is the best way to say I missed half of my life or I've missed half of my life?

You say 'I've missed Half my life' which is short for : "I have missed half my life'

Can half-life source be used for half-life mods?

No. Half-Life: Source runs on the Source engine. The original Half-Life doesn't. You cannot use mods made for the original Half-Life on Half-Life: Source because they run on different engines and it won't work.

How do you get special weapons in Fantasy life?

That depends what life type you are using..

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How do you import half life 1 weapons into half life 2?

Buy Half Life: Source Or Buy Garrysmod a Half-Life 2 Modification and get the addon "Half-Life Rennaisance" Link to Half Life Rennaisance: Enjoy!

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Crawmerax cannot drop gearbox weapons

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NaoH HAVE 6.022(10)23 IN HALF DROP.

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How do you drop your gun in Halo 3?

well you use RB if your controls are set up that way to swap weapons but you cant jsut out right drop all your weapons.

What monster on perfect world drop legendary weapon?

No monsters drop legendary weapons, you have to make them from molds.

How do you drop weapons on MW2 xbox?

the only way you can drop a weapon is if you pick up another weapon to replace it.

Why did US drop Weapons of Mass Destruction on Japan?

to end the war?

What guns do you get in half life 2?

CrowbarZero-Point energy field manipulator (gravity gun)Pistol357 MagnumSMGOverwatch Standard Issue (pulse rifle)ShotgunCrossbowGrenadesRPGOther Weapons featured in Half life 2: Deathmatch:SLAM (Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition)Stinstick

Does plutonium have a half-life of 25000 years?

The isotope Pu-239 does. (It's actually about 24,100 years). Other isotopes of plutonium have a different half-life, and these vary (for the more common isotopes) from a few years to millions of years. A link can be found below.

How do you get good stuff on Team Fortress 2?

Playing the game, will give you drop items/weapons and achievement items/weapons. You can also craft, trade, or purchase items and weapons.

How do you get weapons from draconians in aqworlds?

Just kill them until they drop the weapon you wanted.