To drop items, you go to your inventory, right click on the item you want to drop, then use the drop command.
Nope, you can only place items in your bank using one button.
100% chance: Bones Other chances: Low level items including Goblin Mail.(Quest Item)
While on RuneScape PVP worlds, if you die, you only lose the items you are carrying, not those in your bank, never in RuneScape will a death directly affect your banked items.
Of couse!If your asking about nonmember monsters, then there is the level 83 lesser demon that has a rare rune medium helmet drop. There is the level 82 Cockroach Soldier that has a rare drop of a rune scimitar or a rune kiteshield. It also rarely drops runite ore. Greater demons also drop rune items: they are found at the demonic ruins and in the Wilderness Volcano.For more info check out the RuneScape wikia website.
its called killing things... you get the best stuff possible, with loads of food, and you go kill some things that drop valuable things
I don't think there is such an option.
Runescape! The old wilderness is back now. Players do drop their items when dead.
Nope, you can only place items in your bank using one button.
The only Guthix items in RuneScape f2p is the Guthix rune armour. The only way you could get these items for free are via gift, drop party, or player killing.
In free to play worlds they only drop bones, However, in members worlds, they also always drop the valuable unicorn horn, and uncommonly drop lockpicks.
abyssal whips are one of those items that you can only get as a drop; you cant make them. abyssal demons drop whips and if i remember correctly they are a rare drop.
King black dragons level one in the wilderness 47
There are 21 saradimin items on RuneScape.
These nonmember monsters drop adamant items: White Knights Moss Giants Ice Giants Ice Warriors Green Dragons Lesser Demons Ankous Cockroach Soldiers Greater Demons Also some revenants drop adamant items.
A good low leveled monster that drops good items in runescape is chaos druids. Because they drop lots of herbs like Rannar which is a lot of gold pieces but you need to be a member to access them.
Cockroach Soldiers drop a wide variety of items in RuneScape and have since been less killed as a better alternative, Grotworms, has opened up after a recent update. Cockroach Soldiers now always drop Carapace, which can be crafted for crafting experience. Cockroach Soldiers do have access to the rare drop tables, but offer fairly invaluable regular drop items and therefore are not killed as commonly any more due to newer and better monsters.
100% chance: Bones Other chances: Low level items including Goblin Mail.(Quest Item)