First, get into the vehicle. Then, select the tool (car tool for car, plane tool for plane) then press "y". You will start moving. Use the mouse to turn. To get out, jump using the space bar. If you want to stop, press "x". If you are in a fighter plane, the plane will most likely have rockets. Press "f" to fire them.
you cant
same way you walk
No, it is not possible to download Roblox to a flash drive. Roblox automatically installs itself on your computer, so you cannot choose where to put it. Finding the roblox files and coping them to your flash drive could work, but probably not.
Get a drive tool or use y to turn on and z to turn off
roblox :) hope it helps
you cant
Arrow keys
same way you walk
a tool that helps you drive
No, it is not possible to download Roblox to a flash drive. Roblox automatically installs itself on your computer, so you cannot choose where to put it. Finding the roblox files and coping them to your flash drive could work, but probably not.
Get a drive tool or use y to turn on and z to turn off
roblox :) hope it helps
You can't I tried it sorry:(
You cant play with an old 1
LeftArrow/RightArrow A/D
As long as you get it from a Roblox's site it is guaranteed not to have viruses.
To get in a ROBLOX car, you just walk into the door and your character sits. That means your in the car. Now, if you want to DRIVE the car. First, you'd probably need the car tool to drive. If you don't, then walk to the place where the driver usually sits, walk to the seat and your driving. Some times to drive a car on roblox you have to start it with X, and accelerate with wasd.