

Best Answer

You go to Free Gems and you'll see it

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Q: How do you download the ourworld toolbar?
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How do you get our world toolbar?

go to google and type in ourworld toolbar download click that

What is an ourworld gem code for 500 gems?

Now, because of the Ourworld changes, you have to download the toolbar and find out the gem code from there, the code only works if you load ourworld from the Link on the toolbar.Credit:

What is the ourworldcom coupon code for 2011?

there are only coupon codes weakly wich you can get if you download the ourworld toolbar wich is real easy you just go to the top of the screen and click free gems go to where it says ourworld toolbar download it and there you have a weakly coupon code or in other words a coin code.

Is ourworld dot com safe?

YES! is very safe! BUT! Do NOT download the toolbar! It will crash your internet, and there are a lot of viruses associated with it. One hacks your iternal memory. Have fun on ourWorld! :)) TRUE...

How do you win gems in ourworld?

you could win by doing some blogs on the ourworld toolbar

Is the ourworld toolbar safe?

Even if you have anti-virus, ourWorld toolbar is just a joke if it is safe. It isn't. I recommend that you don't install it even if you want gem codes. One virus can hack your internal memory. Choose wisely. ourWorld or safety of computer.

Where you can get gems codes on ourworld?

You have to download the toolbar to get the gem go when you do the numbers and letters will be on it.After you do that go to gem code in the game and type your code and then u have gems.

How do you get Google toolbar?

you can get it in and type download google toolbar you should get your download there

How often is there a gem code on ourworld?

if you have the toolbar, once a week if you get the e-mail once a month

How can one delete a toolbar download?

If the download is still in progress you can pause the download and cancel it. If the toolbar is already finished downloading you can go into your browser's settings and disable or delete the toolbar.

How do you download the roboform toolbar for free and where?

you can download free roboform toolbar from robo form dot com

Where can one download a Windows toolbar?

There are several different versions of the Windows toolbar. In order to get the most up to date toolbar one should go to the Windows website and look for the toolbar download.