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go to the PlayStation Store and go to add on content. i downloaded we three kings from there

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Q: How do you download songs to Guitar Hero on PS3?
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Can you download songs from GHTunes and make them on Guitar Hero Metallica PS3?

I don't know LOLLL

Can you play songs from your ipod touch on guitar hero for ps3?

You can play songs from your ipod touch on guitar hero for ps3 as long as you have the cables to connect.

How do you download songs to Guitar Hero 3 from an MP3 player?

im not sure if ur able to download songs to ur ps3 from ur mp3. but if ur able to go online on ur ps3 then go to the playstation store and download them of that.

Can you do boss songs on you own on Guitar Hero?

yes you can but you must download it. it only works for the xbox 360 and ps3. yes you can but you must download it. it only works for the xbox 360 and ps3.

How do you download songs to guitar hero on PS3 without going to the playstation store I have no access to the PS Store through my PS3?

srry but You can't you need a modem or a router

How do you custom songs on guitar hero 5 for PS3 without buying?

you cant custom songs with out buying them and why play guitar hero 5 that game is horrible

Add your own songs to guitar heroes on ps3?

Guitar Hero for the PS3 comes with 80 different songs. It is possible to add your own songs onto your PS3 by going to music studio and then to recording studio.

How do you download free guitar hero songs on the wii?

No, Guitar Hero 3 has no DLC, if you wanted to put new songs on it you'd have to hack it somehow. The new Guitar Hero: World Tour will have DLC though, you'll be able to download songs onto and play songs from your SD cards (they will probably let you download all the songs from the previous games). If you want more info on Guitar Hero: World Tour for Wii check out the Related Linksbelow.

How do you download songs for Guitar Hero 3 onto the Wii system?

Unfortunately Guitar Hero III on the Wii system does not support downloadable content as with the PS3/Xbox360. RedOctane (publisher) cites lack of space as the main reason.

Can you download song on your PC to then pass to your guitar hero game on PS3?

You cant, its not formatted for the PS3 sorry

How many songs total are there on Guitar Hero 3?

There are exactly 70 songs that come with the game. However, on the Xbox 360 and the PS3, it is possible to download some extra songs. Some are free and some cost money.

Does a PS3 Guitar Hero 3 guitar work on Guitar Hero world tour PS3?
