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Thus far, Sideswipe has not been released yet. He, a full version of the Original Starscream, and other content is supposed to be downloadable for the PS3, 360 and presumably PC versions of the Revenge of the Fallen Game late this summer. Otherwise there are no other ways to get Sideswipe or the Original G1 Starscream. I'm sure some hackers will find a way, everyone has a weakness.

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Q: How do you download sideswipe in transformers revenge of the fallen?
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Can you get G1 megatron on transformers decepticons?

on play station three you can simply buy transformers revenge of the fallen then download the map pack its around $15 you get the following characters. Jetfire(multiplayer not single player)you can see enemys on the radar for anshort timeJazz speed increasesideswipe like megatrons except shorter and not one shot killG1 colours sideswipe like megatrons except shorter and not one shot killG1 colours ratchet healingG1 optimus same as optimusStealth bumblebee same specialG1 megatron one shot kill (2ish secound charge)Sound wave turrent in air and ground one at a timeG1 starscream one shot kill ( 2ish secound charge)G1 sunstorm like break away silencing abilityyes autobots get more characters.

Does optimus prime die in transformers movie?

He dies in the second movie Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen

How do you beat devastator in transformers revenge of the fallen the game?

To defeat Devastator you must destroy all of the weapons that he has, firstly he has rocket launchers on he back, you must attack these from behind (stand on a building and wait for him to pass), the weapons are tagged with red markers, then guns on is back legs, again attack from behind, then guns on front legs, attack from either the front or behind and then finally the head, you need to attack a power supply on his forehead

Does optimus prime come back to life in the second transformers?

Yes,Yes He Does When They Get To Egypt Sam Brings Optimus Prime Back Him To Life With The Matrix After That Optimus Prime Uses Jetfires(Jetfire Used To Be A Decepticon Put Turned Into A Autobot And He Lets Optimus Prime Use His Parts) Parts To Defeat Megatron And The Fallen.

Is transformers autobots for ds server down?

After contacting Activision (who created the game) about the server, they said that they did not know why the server was down and that it would not be back up again. I told Activision that if they sell games that advertise online playability, the game should have it, regardless of age. This is a poor excuse of trying to make more money for Activision, trying to force us to buy Revenge of the Fallen. Companies like Novalogic support older games online capability to the fullest for many years and still continue to do so to this day. I know that I love the Transformers games, but due to Activision's constant cheating its customers, I will refuse to buy another game and hope that others follow suit, or else the others will get the same effect I did, buying a game that has subpar playability. It's funny how Activision wants to prosecute a person who downloads a game of their's illegally, but when they falsely advertise and cheat the customer out of their money, it's okay....disgusting.

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Does sideswipe have sword in transformers revenge of the fallen?

Yes, Sideswipe Does Have SwordS

Do you play as sideswipe on transformers revenge of the fallen ps2?


What is the Corvettes name in transformers?

In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the Corvette is named Sideswipe.

What does Sideswipe trasform into?

In transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Sideswipe transforms into a Chevrolet Corvette. In Transformers 3, Sideswipe transforms into a Corvette Centennial Convertible.

Can you play sideswipe in Transformers 2 Revenge of the fallen?

You can play as sideswipe only if you have the downloadable content package in the game

Where can you download transformers revenge of the fallen?

on zmovie and novamov

What is the name of the silver Corvette from transformers revenge of the fallen?

The silver corvette stingray concept car in the movie is called sideswipe :)

What is the name of the next transformers movie?

1) Transformers 2) Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen 3) Transformers: Dark of The Moon

Where to buy transformers revenge of the fallen sideswipe toy?

I saw one at target and walmart. or you could just order online at

What is the title of Transformers Revenge of The Fallen?

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?

Where can I Download free Transformers revenge of the fallen Game?

Download it from Register and download at your mom's house

Where download transformers movie 2?

Search a torrent file on it on google eg "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen torrent"