You cant you must pay for them unless someone gives you a ecoin card for your birthday or something. you can go to wawagames and get free ecoins when you join up its free and i think its virus free. You also can get ecoins when you log in 7 days in a row but sometimes you get stars. ________________________________________________________ ORRRRRRRRRRR you can download fantage ecoin generator it helped me alot now i look like a member and boys ar doing this to me "K1s" wich means kiss
When you start your membership they will give you 1000 ecoins,And it still works 1 100%? I start my membership to get the 1000 ecoin why to membership fan tage is final answer it fantage to get me free ecoin
There is no stupid generator
You can find it on theInternet.just type in "Fantage Beta update 2.0.0
well i know an ecoin generator but not a money generator.... site is for ecoin generator: Go type in and search it
u mean fantage ecoin generator?fantage beta mediafire
There is no e-coin generator.
i don't think it is
There are ecoin generators but none of them are currently working. :( srry.
ipod touch app called fantage idphone
umm my labtop is with i password its lock my mom put it well can u do it for me plzz username:samy106 password:pass123
you cant.
You cant you must pay for them unless someone gives you a ecoin card for your birthday or something. you can go to wawagames and get free ecoins when you join up its free and i think its virus free. You also can get ecoins when you log in 7 days in a row but sometimes you get stars. ________________________________________________________ ORRRRRRRRRRR you can download fantage ecoin generator it helped me alot now i look like a member and boys ar doing this to me "K1s" wich means kiss
Yes there is. But.... you have to download it, Scan for viruses first!