if u want to play Chinese server,just go to the offical site of Maple Story :http://www.maoxiandao.com/
go to google and search maple download
Go to www.maplesea.com
its about 35 giga bites
If you are talking about the Global Maple Story that everybody plays online, no. But there is a very cheap game where you just hit the monsters, grab a random jewel from the monster and go on a couple of levels. http://www.mofunzone.com/online_games/maple_story.shtml
All monsters in Victoria Island drop Maple weapons.
download the new client and click on it and choose the folder of your maple story ..
go to google and search maple download
www.nexon.com then press download
The file is big? = =''
When you get on the site click download.
Go to www.maplesea.com
google maplestory for mac
Dude iunno :D
It auto downloads, if not, do it manually from the maple story home page.
do not do that. you can get banned or caught. just play legitly
of course not